First Name* Last Name* Country*АфганистанАландские островаАлбанияАлжирАмериканское СамоаАндорраАнголаАнгильяАнтарктидаАнтигуа и БарбудаАргентинаАрменияАрубаАвстралияАвстрияАзербайджанБагамские островаБахрейнБангладешБарбадосБеларусьБельгияБелизБенинБермудские островаБутанБоливия, многонациональное государствоБосния и ГерцеговинаБотсванаОстров БувеБразилияБританская территория в Индийском океанеБруней-ДаруссаламБолгарияБуркина-ФасоБурундиКамбоджаКамерунКанадаКабо-ВердеКаймановы островаЦентрально-Африканская РеспубликаЧадЧилиКитайОстров РождестваКокосовые (Килинг) островаКолумбияКоморские островаКонгоКонго, Демократическая РеспубликаОстрова КукаКоста-РикаКот-д'Ивуар, Берег Слоновой КостиХорватияКубаКипрЧехияДанияДжибутиДоминикаДоминиканская РеспубликаЭквадорЕгипетСальвадорЭкваториальная ГвинеяЭритреяЭстонияЭфиопияФолклендские (Мальвинские) островаФарерские островаФиджиФинляндияФранцияФранцузская ГвианаФранцузская ПолинезияЮжные Французские ТерриторииГабонГамбияГрузияГерманияГанаГибралтарГрецияГренландияГренадаГваделупаГуамГватемалаГернсиГвинеяГвинея-БисауГайанаГаитиОстров Херд и острова МакдональдСвятой Престол (государство-город Ватикан)ГондурасГонконгВенгрияИсландияИндияИндонезияИран, Исламская РеспубликаИракИрландияОстров МэнИзраильИталияЯмайкаЯпонияДжерсиИорданияКазахстанКенияКирибатиКорейская Народно-Демократическая РеспубликаКорея, РеспубликаКувейтКыргызстанЛаосская Народно-Демократическая РеспубликаЛатвияЛиванЛесотоЛиберияЛивийская Арабская ДжамахирияЛихтенштейнЛитваЛюксембургМакаоМакедония, бывшая Югославская РеспубликаМадагаскарМалавиМалайзияМальдивыМалиМальтаМаршалловы островаМартиникаМавританияМаврикийМайоттаМексикаМикронезия, Федеративные ШтатыМолдова, РеспубликаМонакоМонголияЧерногорияМонсерратМароккоМозамбикМьянмаНамибияНауруНепалНидерландыНидерландские Антильские островаНовая КаледонияНовая ЗеландияНикарагуаНигерНигерияНиуэОстров НорфолкСеверные Марианские островаНорвегияОманПакистанПалауПалестинаПанамаПапуа - Новая ГвинеяПарагвайПеруФилиппиныПиткэрнПольшаПортугалияПуэрто-РикоКатарРеюньонРумынияРоссийская ФедерацияРуандаСен-БартелемиОстров Святой ЕленыСент-Китс и НевисСент-ЛюсияСен-Мартен (французская часть)Сен-Пьер и МикелонСент-Винсент и ГренадиныСамоаСан-МариноСан-Томе и ПринсипиСаудовская АравияСенегалСербияСейшельские островаСьерра-ЛеонеСингапурСловакияСловенияСоломоновы островаСомалиЮАРЮжная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы островаЮжный СуданИспанияШри-ЛанкаСуданСуринамСвальбард и Ян-МайенСвазилендШвецияШвейцарияСирийская Арабская РеспубликаТайвань, провинция КитаяТаджикистанТанзания, Объединенная РеспубликаТаиландВосточный ТиморТогоТокелауТонгаТринидад и ТобагоТунисТурцияТуркменистанТеркс и КайкосТувалуУгандаУкраинаОбъединённые Арабские ЭмиратыВеликобританияСоединённые Штаты АмерикиВнешние малые острова СШАУругвайУзбекистанВануатуВенесуэла, Боливарианская РеспубликаВьетнамВиргинские острова, ВеликобританияВиргинские острова, СШАУоллис и ФутунаЗападная СахараЙеменЗамбияЗимбабвеState Mobile Number* Адрес электронной почты Password* Подтвердить Password* This Privacy Policy describes HyeCare’s policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of your information when you use the Service and tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you. We use your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Services provided by HyeCare are 100% Consultation and no prescriptions will be given. I. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION We may collect the following kinds of information when you use the Service:Information you provide directly to us. For certain activities, such as when you register, use our telecare services, subscribe to our alerts, or contact us directly, we may collect some or all of the following types of information: Contact information, such as your full name, email address, mobile phone number, and address;Username and password;Payment information, such as your credit card number, expiration date, and credit card security code;Personal health information, including information about your diagnosis, previous treatments, general health, any other information you provide to us. We may combine such information with information we already have about you. Information we collect automatically. We may collect certain information automatically when you use our Service, such as your Internet protocol (IP) address, device and advertising identifiers, browser type, operating system, Internet service provider, pages that you visit before and after using the Service, the date and time of your visit, information about the links you click and pages you view within the Service, and other standard server log information. We may also collect certain location information when you use our Service, such as your computer’s IP address, your mobile device’s GPS signal, or information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.We may use cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies to automatically collect this information. Cookies are small bits of information that are stored by your computer’s web browser. Pixel tags are very small images or small pieces of data embedded in images, also known as “web beacons” or “clear GIFs,” that can recognize cookies, the time and date a page is viewed, a description of the page where the pixel tag is placed, and similar information from your computer or device. By using the Service, you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies.We may also collect technical data to address and fix technical problems and improve our Service, including the memory state of your device when a system or app crash occurs while using our Service. Your device or browser settings may permit you to control the collection of this technical data. This data may include parts of a document you were using when a problem occurred, or the contents of your communications. By using the Service, you are consenting to the collection of this technical data.In connection with your consultation, we may collect medical records from your past, current, and future health care providers. This may include information about your diagnosis, previous treatments, general health, laboratory and pathology test results and reports, any family history of illness.We may also receive information about you from other sources, including through third-party services and organizations. We may combine our first-party data, such as your email address or name, with third-party data from other sources and use this to contact you (e.g. through direct mail). For example, if you access third-party services, such as Facebook, Google or Twitter, to login to our Service or to share information about your experience on the Service with others, we may collect information from these third-party services. II. USE OF INFORMATION We generally use the information we collect online to: Provide and improve the Service;Contact you;Fulfill your requests for products, services, and information;Send you information about additional clinical services or general wellness from us or on behalf of our affiliates and trusted third-party partners;Analyze the use of the Service and user data to understand and improve the Service;Customize the content you see when you use the Service;Conduct research using your information, which may be subject to your separate written authorization;Prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities and otherwise in accordance with our Terms and Conditions (which can be found at; andFor any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect your information or pursuant to your consent. We are committed to maintaining your trust, and we want you to understand when and with whom we may share the information we collect. Authorized third-party vendors and service providers. We may share your information with third-party vendors and service providers that help us with specialized services, including billing, payment processing, customer service, email deployment, business analytics, marketing (including but not limited to advertising, attribution, deep-linking, direct-mail, mobile marketing, optimization and retargeting), performance monitoring, hosting, and data processing. These third-party vendors and service providers may not use your information for purposes other than those related to the services they are providing to us. Business transfers. We may share your information in connection with a substantial corporate transaction, such as the sale of a website, a merger, consolidation, asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy. Legal purposes. We may disclose information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, legal process, law enforcement requests, legal claims or government inquiries, and to protect and defend the rights, interests, health, safety, and security of HyeCare, our affiliates, users, or the public. If we are legally compelled to disclose information about you to a third party, we will attempt to notify you by sending an email to the email address in our records unless doing so would violate the law or unless you have not provided your email address to us. With your consent or at your direction. We may share information for any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect the information or pursuant to your consent or direction. If you access third-party services, such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter, through our Service to login to the Service or to share information about your experience on the Service with others, these third-party services may be able to collect information about you, including information about your activity on the Site, and they may notify your connections on the third-party services about your use of the Site, in accordance with their own privacy policies.If you choose to engage in public activities on the Site or third party sites that we link to, you should be aware that any information you share there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these areas. You should use caution in disclosing personal information while participating in these areas. We are not responsible for the information you choose to submit in these public areas. III. INTERNATIONAL USERS We maintain information in the United States of America and in accordance with the laws of the United States, which may not provide the same level of protection as the laws in your jurisdiction. By using the website and providing us with information, you understand and agree that your information may be transferred to and stored on servers located outside your resident jurisdiction and, to the extent you are a resident of a country other than the United States, that you consent to the transfer of such data to the United States for processing by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.We participate in and have certified our compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. We are committed to subjecting all personal data received from European Union (EU) member countries, in reliance on the Privacy Shield Framework, to the Framework’s applicable Principles. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Framework, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield List. []. We are responsible for the processing of personal data we receive, under the Privacy Shield Framework, and subsequently transfer to a third party acting as an agent on our behalf. We comply with the Privacy Shield Principles for all onward transfers of personal data from the EU, including the onward transfer liability provisions. With respect to personal data received or transferred pursuant to the Privacy Shield Framework, we are subject to the regulatory enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. In certain situations, we may be required to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at Under certain conditions, more fully described on the Privacy Shield website [], you may invoke binding arbitration when other dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted. IV. CHILDREN We do not knowingly allow individuals under the age of 18 to create accounts that allow access to our Service. Individuals under age of 18 can be under supervision of parent’s account. V. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we update the Privacy Policy, we will revise the “Effective Date” date above and post the new Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy each time you visit the Service to stay informed of our privacy practices. VI. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR USE OF THE SERVICE Do not use the Service for emergency medical needs. If you experience a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.HyeCare does not provide any physicians’ or other healthcare providers’ (collectively, “Consultants”) services itself. All of the Consultants are independent of HyeCare and merely using the Service to communicate with you. Any information or advice received from a Consultant comes from the Consultant, and not from HyeCare. Our consultants are not going to diagnose any disease prescribe medicine and also provide treatment methods.Your interactions with the Consultants via the Service are not intended to take the place of your relationship(s) with your regular health care practitioner(s).HyeCare does not make any representations or warranties about the training or skill of any Consultants using the Service. You are ultimately responsible for choosing your particular Consultant on the Service. VII. ACCOUNT ENROLLMENT To access Consultants using the Service, you must first establish an individual user account (“Account”) by providing certain information. You agree that you will not create more than one Account, or create an Account for anyone other than yourself (with the exception of subaccounts established for minor children of whom you are a parent or legal guardian). You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information on the Account enrollment form and to keep this information current and updated as needed.You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and possess the legal right and ability, on behalf of yourself or a minor child of whom you are a parent or legal guardian, to agree to HyeCare’s Privacey Policy and Terms and Conditions. VIII. PROHIBITED CONDUCT You may not access or use, or attempt to access or use, the Service to take any action that could harm us or any third party, interfere with the operation of the Service, or use the Service in a manner that violates any laws. For example, and without limitation, you may not: transmit any message or information under a false name or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation or the origin of materials you transmit;provide information on the enrollment form that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete;transmit any message or information that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, predatory of minors, harassing, threatening, or hateful;transmit any message or information that infringes or violates the intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of others;reproduce, retransmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast, or circulate content received through the Service to anyone without prior express permission;engage in unauthorized “spidering”, “scraping,” or harvesting of content or personal information, or use any other unauthorized automated means to compile information;take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our network or infrastructure;use any device, software, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service or any activity conducted on the Service or attempt to probe, scan, test the vulnerability of, or breach the security of any system or network;attempt to modify, translate, decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or create derivative works of any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Service; orengage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any person from using or enjoying the Service, or that, in our sole judgment, exposes us or any of our users, affiliates, or any other third party to any liability, damages, or detriment of any type. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. We may investigate and work with law enforcement authorities to prosecute users who violate the Terms. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Service for any or no reason at any time without notice. IX. PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION By providing a credit card or other payment method accepted by HyeCare (“Payment Method”), you are expressly agreeing that we are authorized to charge to the Payment Method any fees for your use of the Service, together with any applicable taxes. You agree that authorizations to charge your Payment Method remain in effect until you cancel it in writing, and you agree to notify HyeCare of any changes to your Payment Method. You certify that you are an authorized user of the Payment Method. You acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to your account must comply with applicable provisions of U.S. law. In the case of an ACH transaction rejected for insufficient funds, HyeCare may at its discretion attempt to process the charge again at any time within 30 days.You acknowledge and agree that fees for consultations may increase at any time. X. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The Service is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. All copyrights in the Service are owned by us or our third-party licensors to the full extent permitted under the United States Copyright Act and all international copyright laws. You may not publish, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, edit, adapt, modify, or otherwise exploit any part of the Service without our written consent.All rights in the product names, company names, trade names, logos, service marks, trade dress, slogans, product packaging, and designs of the Service, whether or not appearing in large print or with the trademark symbol, belong exclusively to HyeCare or its licensors and are protected from reproduction, imitation, dilution, or confusing or misleading uses under national and international trademark and copyright laws. The use or misuse of these trademarks or any materials, except as authorized herein, is expressly prohibited, and nothing stated or implied on the Service confers on you any license or right under any patent or trademark of HyeCare, its affiliates, or any third party. XI. PASSWORD SECURITY You are solely responsible for the security of your username and password, and for any use of the Service using your username and password. You should not share your username or password with any third party or allow any third party to access the Service using your username and password. You agree to notify us if you have any reason to believe that your username or password has been lost, compromised, or misused in any way. We reserve the right to revoke or deactivate your username and password at any time. XII. WEBSITE AND THIRD-PARTY CONTENT Other than information received directly by you from Consultants, the content on the Service should not be considered medical advice. You should always talk to an appropriately qualified health care professional for diagnosis and treatment, including information regarding which medications or treatment may be appropriate for you. NONE OF THE CONTENT ON THE SERVICE REPRESENTS OR WARRANTS THAT ANY PARTICULAR MEDICATION OR TREATMENT IS SAFE, APPROPRIATE, OR EFFECTIVE FOR YOU. HyeCare does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, providers, medications, products, or procedures.The Service may provide links to third-party content. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the availability of such third-party content, and we do not control, endorse, sponsor, recommend, or otherwise accept responsibility for such content. Use of any linked third-party content is at the user’s own risk. XIII. CONSENT TO RECEIVE CONSULTANCY SERVICES We are providing this information on behalf of Consultants: Telemedicine involves the use of communications to enable healthcare providers at sites remote from patients to provide consultative services. Consultants may include primary care practitioners, specialists, and/or subspecialists. The information may be used for diagnosis, therapy, follow-up and/or education, and may include live two-way audio and video and other materials (e.g., medical records, data from medical devices).The communications systems used will incorporate reasonable security protocols to protect the confidentiality of patient information and will include reasonable measures to safeguard the data and to ensure its integrity against intentional or unintentional corruption. At the end of each encounter, the patient will be provided an encounter summary, which may be kept for the patient’s records and may be shared with the patient’s local primary care or other provider, as appropriate. Show privacy policy Please confirm that you agree to our privacy policy Only fill in if you are not human Войти